PIN – Inside Innovation

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Fri, 13 January 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT

Housing Providers are seeking solutions to the converging challenges of eliminating damp, mould and condensation risks, alongside the requirement to improve energy performance on the road to EPC C and Net Zero.

Join us as we look at a comprehensive joined up solution to efficiently improve the living conditions in problem homes, combining the latest technologies with established processes and proven building upgrades.

This no regrets ventilation 1st approach to retrofit, used performance measured upgrades to building fabric and indoor air quality, that could be delivered using funds from your SHDF bid, financed from your CAPEX budgets or we can even provide financing off balance sheet.

PIN are joined by Ambue, leading a cohort of innovators and emerging disruptors in the housing sector. Separately their individual offers are known and deployed to improve resident experience of their homes, gain insights and reduce full system lifecycle risks.

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